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EMEPC participates in the Explosea Antarctica campaign

Between February 9th and March 19th, 2019, EMEPC members are in Antarctica to participate in the EXPLOSEA campaign, within the scope of the existing collaboration between EMEPC and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (CSIC / IGME).


The Antarctic campaign took place on board the Spanish ship BIO Hespérides (A33), off the Decepcion and Livingston Islands, in the South Shetland archipelate.

The objective of the EXPLOSEA project is focused on the study of underwater emissions associated with volcanism, to which EMEPC contributed, in addition to specialized equipment, with experience and technical knowledge in the operation of such equipment for data collection. Numerous CTD profiles (conductivity, temperature and depth), dredgers, water samples were collected and high resolution videos were recorded from the study areas.

It was an enriching experience and full of learning, because the operational challenges were faced in a more extreme environment, with more rigid rules and procedures that forced an adaptation, even for those who already have some oceanographic campaigns in their curriculum.

Official project page:

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