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Continental Shelf Extension

Portuguese Submission (CSEP)

On May 11, 2009, Portugal presented its proposal to the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf.

On August 1, 2017 Portugal submitted an Addendum to this Proposal, based on bathymetry, geology and geophysics data collected since 2009. This Addendum also included a new outer boundary of the continental shelf.

In the Portuguese case, the outer limit of the continental shelf extends beyond 200 nautical miles. This distance is measured from the baselines, which are also used to define the width of the territorial sea.
According to the United Nations , the process has the following phases:

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  1. Conduct by the coastal State of all surveys, studies and works necessary to substantiate the claim for limits on the Continental Shelf beyond 200 nautical miles;

  2. Submission by coastal states of a proposal for an extension, scientifically, technically and legally based, to the Continental Shelf Limits Commission (CLPC) through the United Nations Secretary-General;

  3. Presentation of the Continental Platform Extension Proposal;

  4. Pre-assessment of the same by the CLPC (in order to assess if there are impediments to the assessment of the content, namely in cases where there are disputes with other States);

  5. Appointment of the sub-committee that will consider the proposal;

  6. Consideration of the proposal by the sub-committee, which draws up a list of Recommendations;

  7. Deliberation by CLPC regarding the Recommendations to be addressed to the coastal State;

  8. Publication of Recommendations;

  9. Possibility of presenting complementary data / justifications in Defense of the Proposal;

  10. Deliberation by the CLPC regarding any new Recommendations to be addressed to the coastal State;

  11. Publication of Recommendations;

  12. Definition by the coastal State and publication in national legislation of the limits of the continental shelf;

  13. Publication, by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, of the limits established by the coastal State in line with the recommendations of the CLPC.

The evaluation of the Portuguese proposal started in August 2017.

See the Executive Summary of Portuguese Submission.

Consult the shape files with the limits of the Portugal Extension Project: HERE

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