New head of EMEPC takes office: A new chapter begins!
This Tuesday, EMEPC was visited by the Secretary of State for the Sea, Lídia Bulcão, for the swearing in of new members of the Mission Structure.
Vice-Admiral Carlos Manuel da Costa Ventura Soares was sworn in as the new head of EMEPC. Commodore Fernando Manuel Freitas Artilheiro was also sworn in as EMEPC's scientific coordinator and Professor Vasco Becker-Weinberg as legal coordinator.
This is a moment of celebration, renewal and commitment to the future!
‘The effort that EMEPC and its team will have to make in the coming years is unavoidable. A robust position in defence of our proposal will only come about on the basis of detailed scientific knowledge and with the appropriate legal framework", said Admiral Ventura Soares in his inauguration speech.
The inauguration was followed by a visit to EMEPC's facilities and to the Luso ROV, where the Secretary of State had the opportunity to learn about the technology operated by EMEPC and the science being produced within the scope of the Continental Shelf Extension Project and associated projects.
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